I was going to make this Wordless Wednesday, but I talk too much… so we’re going to talk about the best Thanksgiving of my life!
I made the bed with the cat in it. Oddly, he likes it!
MY newest VIDEOS
What I eat In A Day – runner edition
Τι έφαγα σε μια μέρα. Το ημερολόγιο τροφίμων από έναν δρομέα που δεν εκπαιδεύει επί του παρόντος για μαραθώνιο ή μισό μαραθώνιο. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks plus tips.
Περισσότερα βίντεο
0 δευτερόλεπτα 14 λεπτών, 26 δευτερολέπτων
Unorthodox book and Netflix review
“No mom, I’m not ready to get up yet!
Thanksgiving came early because I had to “try” my sweet potato casserole and corn bread.
Oddly, the TJ’s brownies I made for dessert are expected to make 12 pieces. I only have 8. Hmmm.
The best Thanksgiving throwback…
Even though Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year, I missed it one year to go to Costa Rica. It was the best getaway of my life and each year Ben and I reminisce about how awesome it was…
We ziplined –
Saw coatis
Εκανε φίλους
and enemies?
Drank Fresh Coffee and Coconut Juice
We rented a car and drove around the west side of the country. There were beaches and volcanos and hot springs and tons of friendly people and fantastic food and non-stop fun and adventure. I would 1000% recommend Costa Rica as a getaway to anyone.
Climbed a volcano
Ate local food while being attacked by raccoons on the beach…
If you can take one getaway in your life go to Costa Rica (preferably, very sh!t faced in love with some random man you just met). You might forget you’re missing out on turkey and pie. You might swim with sea turtles on Thanksgiving. You might fall in love and get married. You might, so opt for it…
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Το να μοιράζεσαι σημαίνει ότι νοιάζεσαι!
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