I said I was going to eat my way through San Francisco today and I wasn’t messing around! As soon as we landed Ben and I grabbed a rental car and headed to the Ferry Building.
He’s never experienced Blue bottle Coffee so that was our first stop. This place had a super long line all day!
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0 seconds of 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Marathon training Day 6
This is the best iced coffee I’ve ever had. ΠΑΝΤΑ. It’s called new Orleans style and I have no idea what that means, but it’s amazing.
We also grabbed a few macaroons to share for a snack. By this time it was 1pm and we were ready for lunch. But, we were trying to wait for Clam Chowder bread bowls!
After perusing the Farmer’s Market we headed toward Fisherman’s Wharf on foot. I love that they had a huge Christmas tree set up at one of the piers. I love this season and don’t mind that it comes early
Finally after an hour of sightseeing we made it to Boudin’s!
I think all food should be served in an edible vehicle, don’t you?
I got the combo with a clam chowder bread bowl and salad.
I love carbs.
Photo bombed by a bird.
This is Ben.
This is Ben on vacation.
This is Ben realizing he just put his hand in bird poop.
Καμιά ερώτηση?
This is Monica.
This is Monica looking at the seals at Pier 39.
After a lengthy Q&A session with the vendor about all the flavors I went with a Blueberry vegan/organic donut. All “vegan and organic donut” means is that it costs more to fill your body with 900 calories.
This donut is like the best moist blueberry cake you can imagine, frosted with Heaven.
Ben and I took our time getting back to the car and planned out dinner. We decided to try a Diner’s, Drive-ins and Dives place – La Texanita in Santa Rosa!
Guy Fieri is actually from Santa Rosa and did a good segment on this Mexican restaurant.
We started with chips & got free guacamole because it took so long to get menus.
Ben ordered the Carne Asada plate
Since this place is all about their homemade tortillas I got a big salad and side of beans, plus and order of tortillas for munching.
Many times restaurant refried beans contain lard. This is why they are so delicious.
Praise the lard!
Bye Guy!
Question: Do you like the show triple D? Do you have a favorite diner, drive-in or dive?
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