hello from Healdsburg! Ben as well as I got in to town late last night. When we inspected in at the hotel the front desk mentioned something about a Continental Breakfast. I immediately presumed that meant muffins as well as coffee.
But, this morning I was pleasantly surprised to discover a full on spread of goodies! Ben made himself a egg as well as sausage biscuit sandwich while I headed directly to the waffle maker.
Τα τελευταία μου βίντεο
What I eat In A Day – runner edition
What I ate in a day. Food diary from a runner not currently training for a marathon or half marathon. Breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as snacks plus tips.
Περισσότερα βίντεο
0 seconds of 14 minutes, 26 seconds
Covid 19 Antibody Test
I have never made a successful waffle at house so I wasn’t sure exactly how this would turn out. All I understood is I couldn’t cuss at the machine the method I do when my waffles stop working at home, there were kids present…
After three minutes the timer dinged as well as I got a perfect waffle!
I enjoyed it with syrup, PB as well as two difficult boiled eggs. This is the very best free hotel breakfast of my life
After food time we tried to take a walk, however were soon looking for cover when it started to rain. We bought an umbrella from the grocery store just in time for the rain to stop. Isn’t that life?
This tree wants you to understand it’s red. extremely red.
I am truly poor at enjoying life. (Wow, composing that seems tragic.) however I am always worried about what I have to do tomorrow, family, earthquakes, paper cuts, money…
I seldom online in the moment as well as 100% enjoy what I’m doing NOW. This video truly spoke to me as well as I wished to share. I want to enjoy the journey. I want to sing as well as dance along the way. I want to enjoy today as well as not concern about what I requirement to do next.
Question: Do you enjoy your life right now, or are you trying to get somewhere else?
I believe running has taught me to believe about the end goal. I race to the surface line as well as never enjoy the miles as they go by. It’s type of a metaphor for exactly how I online my life, however I don’t want it to be. What am I rushing off to anyways?!
Στείλτε μου το βιβλίο εργασίας
Το να μοιράζεσαι σημαίνει ότι νοιάζεσαι!
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